Open DataKazakhstan

We collect data fragments to get meaningful insights for the public of Kazakhstan.

Built by data experts leveraging open-source tools

Datasets are automatically fetched from multiple sources, processed, normalized and described using mature metadata standards.

Data pipelines

Core data

We research, identify and collect essential datasets in the core areas such as demographics, economy, education and healthcare.

Core datasets

Data pipelines

To make sure datasets are up-to-date, we leverage the power of the free automation tool from GitHub. We create workflows to make sure our datasets are updated on a regular basis.

Data pipelines


Everything starts from a simple idea. It is crucial to capture those in a way we can analyse, discuss and define set of tasks.


Support us with any amount from ₸50,000

Includes every feature we offer below for every member of your organization.

Contact us

Everything you need

All inclusive

Your support is essential for our progress. When you support us you get all privileges including access to datasets and human resources.

  • Your company logo on our website.
  • Full access to technical knowledge base.
  • Unlimited interviews and hiring opportunities with our engineers.
  • Hire our engineers for smaller projects via contracting.
  • Easy access to data related workshops and conferences.
  • Special offer for any data related work you do with us.
  • Access to the pipeline logs/internal issues.

Get in touch

Start supporting us by filling out the contact form and we get back to you as soon as possible to provide our bank details.

Postal address

Baitursyn street, 95, office 206

Almaty, 050000


Phone number
+7 (701) 023 45 45